In this course children will discover public speaking in a fun and warm environment. We believe that true development of public speaking skills comes with building positive experience in a safe and friendly environment. Creation of this environment will be our primary task. But also, our participants will learn important techniques and practice planning and structuring their speech.

The course consists of 8 one-hour lessons and a presentation session where children will present their speeches. All speeches will be recorded and shared with each kid's parents so that you can be proud of your child!

The entire course will be held online to assure safety of the students due to COVID-19.
Industries and economies have changed tremendously in US and globally. No matter what career kids ultimately pursue, they will have to constantly adapt and innovate in order to succeed, and this is what we call being entrepreneurial.

So why not educate them that way?

The "Highflyer" program addresses the development of entrepreneurial skills and mindset, including opportunity-seeking, curiosity, problem-solving, growth mindset, persuasion skills and much more.
Creativity is not only an essential ingredient for a happy childhood, but also one of the most critical skills of the 21st century. With all the innovations in technology and changes in economies - we all need to be creative and think out of the box as never before.

All this - while playing and having fun!

This program is about thinking differently, going beyond standard solutions, generating ideas and expanding the limits of our minds.
Money has become an important part of our everyday lives. Therefore, one of the most important lessons that you can teach your kids is how to deal with money.
In this program, children will learn that money is earned and does not come free.

This course will develop a fundamental understanding that work and money are connected. While learning about the money and its history, credits, savings and much more, we will also have a lot of fun with activities and games to learn how to make money-related decisions and become financially responsible.