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In this course children will discover public speaking
in a fun and warm environment
Public Speaking for Kids:
Be a Hero!
In this course children will discover public speaking in a fun and warm environment. We believe that true development of public speaking skills comes with building positive experience in a safe and friendly environment. Creation of this environment will be our primary task. But also, our participants will learn important techniques and practice planning and structuring their speech.
This course is created to help children discover their self-expression and foster their confidence in public speaking.
The course consists of 8 one-hour lessons and a presentation session where children will present their speeches. All speeches will be recorded and shared with each kid's parents so that you can be proud of your child!
The entire course will be held online to assure safety of the students due to COVID-19.
8 lessons, 1hr + presentation session
Wed 4 pm - 5 pm PST
8-12 years old
Lesson 1: Choose Your Hero
Introduction to the course, getting to know each other, first public speaking experience (recorded and then sent to parents); choose a character that you want to present
Lesson 2: Be Like a Hero
Public speaking confidence, reasons of fear and how to overcome them
Lesson 3: Getting Ready
Preparation to the speech, planning and organization, mind map and other tools of structuring your speech
Lesson 4: Plan Your Speech
What do you want to tell us about your hero/character? Prepare key statements, do a research and collect facts, prepare the key messages / main points of your speech
Lesson 5: Add Some Power
Introduction to the speech, attention getters, self-introduction and introduction to the topic, how to have a powerful conclusion in the end?
Lesson 6: Train Yourself
Learning about vocal delivery, exploring their voice and training the best vocal for the speech
Lesson 7: Be Strong And Charming
Physical delivery, facial expressions, gestures, pose, body movements
Lesson 8: Add More Beauty
Visual aids, design and appearance
Lesson 9: The Special Day
Presentations, to be recorded and shared with parents